Aquatic Therapy -

What is Aquatic Therapy?

Aquatic therapy is as simple as it sounds! It is physical therapy but in a warm pool. The warmth of the water allows your muscles to relax, and the underwater effect relieves pressure on the muscles and joints so you are able to exercise with more ease. Typically an aquatic therapy session is not any different than a normal therapy visit! You hop in the pool and the therapist guides you through a set of exercises catered to your problems.

Does Aquatic Therapy Work?

While Aquatic therapy may sound like a new modern practice, it has actually been around for thousands of years!

The Romans, the Greeks, the Japanese, and the Germans all bathed in hot water to improve blood circulation, muscle relaxation, and even cure sickness. So the answer is yes, aquatic therapy worked back then, and it works even better now with  the increase in technology and therapy techniques.

What are the Benefits?

The biggest benefit that Aquatic Therapy offers is the chance for injured or disabled individuals to perform exercises that they normally are not able to.

Benefits in Aquatic Therapy also include:

  1. Water pressure allows for patient to feel lighter and perform exercises
  2. Patient's respiratory system forced to work harder underwater
  3. Aquatic therapy results in less pain during and after appointments, allowing patients to live life without aches in and out of the clinic.

These are some general benefits for most patients, however there are also a lot more benefits for specific patient conditions or injuries!

Is Aquatic Therapy Right For You?

There are many conditions that can be helped by Water therapy! Check the list below to see if your condition or injury can be relieved using Aquatic Therapy.

Acute Pain
Arthroscopic Surgery Recovery
Back Problems
Balance Disorders
Cerebral palsy
Chronic Pain
Head Injuries
Idiopathic Joint Pain
Joint Reconstruction Surgery Recovery

Joint Replacement Surgery Recovery
Lower Back Pain
Multiple Sclerosis
Orthopedic Injuries
Parkinson's Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Shoulder, Hip or Knee problems
Spinal-cord injuries
Sprains or strains
Traumatic Brain Injury

How We Do Aquatic Therapy.

"The Right Way"

Here at Right Rehab we allow patients to come in for a free consultation (if desired) before there treatment begins. During this free consultation our head physical therapist Ram evaluates you and lets you know if you are a good candidate for the pool!

Once you are approved to start your Aqua Therapy treatment, you can schedule your appointments like normal visits. Upon coming in for your first appointment, you will have the option to use a curtain to block the pool from the rest of the clinic. Right Rehab caters to the patient's needs and patients that enjoy privacy can choose to use the curtain. This way, your session can be conducted privately with just you and the therapist. Once you are in the pool, you will be given exercises and the therapist will check in throughout your session to make sure you are completely the sequence correctly.

We have found that our patients LOVE Aquatic Therapy and have seen tremendous results!

What Results Can You Expect From Our Aquatic Therapy?

We encourage you to come try our Aqua Therapy as soon as possible! Look at our google reviews, or our Youtube channel where patients share there video testimonials. Take patient Betty Knight for example. When Betty started at Right Rehab, she had severe difficulties in walking. After a few appointments with us, she is now able to walk with her cane, and hopefully on her own after a few more appointments! We have had many patient stories like this, and you could be one too! If you have any questions, or are looking to schedule a time to come in for a free consultation, please give us a call or stop by in person!

We look forward to helping several using the best Aqua Therapy services in the Metro Detroit area!

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